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Friday, October 25, 2013

Good Night Sleep For Weight Loss

Healthy lifestyle is important not only maintenance of good health but for weight loss as well. One of the important components of healthy lifestyle is relaxation. Relaxation helps us to combat stress, negative emotions and therefore avoid emotional eating and overeating. Good night sleep is an important part of the proper relaxation, without it we can't function normally throughout the day. When we don't sleep good at night we tend to drink more coffee and consume more sugar than usual.

Here are some tips to have good night sleep:

1. Keep your technology out of your bedroom; make it really a relaxing space that promotes sleep.

2. Ventilate your bedroom before sleep if possible. In the winter lower the temperature in the bedroom to the comfortable level so your sleep will not be disturbed by heat and keep it comfortably cool in summer.

3. Do not eat 3-4 hours before sleep. Eat your last meal at 7 p.m. if you want a good night sleep and if you want your food to digest properly so you will lose weight.

4. Take a bath with lavender essential oil before sleep if you are too excited to sleep for whatever reason. You can also drink a cup of chamomile tea.

5. Do not drink coffee late during the day. This is usually one of the reasons of not being able to have a good night sleep.

6. Try to go to bed at the same time, preferable no later than 11 p.m. This will create a natural sleep cycle in your body and help you get asleep and have a deep sleep during the night.

7. If you are disturbed by noises around you consider using ear plugs.

These tips will help you to have a good relaxing sleep at night so you will be able to keep your cravings at the bay and continue with your healthy diet without an effort.

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